10 facts about Cara Hodge Photography (Guest judge 22 Feb 2016)

1/ I live in Abu Dhabi
2/ I am a black belt 2nd Dan in karate
3/ I love rainy windows
4/ I love the smell of cut grass
5/ I adore strong English Breakfast tea
6/ I’m a fan of Eminem and rap music in general
7/ That said, I love Ave Maria by Schubert also…
8/ I’m drawn to leopard print
9/ I love the shoes I can least walk in
10/ I love wilderness places (but not in the shoes I can least walk in!)
Love Cara x
Just checking I can post and I’m doing this right – please let me know – I’m new to Word Press :). It looks cool though…I’ll post a theme and picture nearer the time!! Love Caroline (Cara) x

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