10 Facts with Facebook Guest Judge 4/11-4/17 | Desra Ramey Photography


Hi, my name is Desra and I am the photographer at Desra Ramey Photography. I am a lifestyle photographer in the small town of Kingsport, TN. I am also a lover of storytelling through my lens. I have 4 beautiful girls that keep me on my toes and have been married for almost 11 years to the best man on the planet.

I shoot Nikon – always have, always will. My 35 is on my body 99.9% of the time.

I am super excited to be guest judge over on the Dear Photographer Facebook page this week.

Facebook. Instagram.

10 Fun Facts About Me

  1. I do not shoot full frame (I swear!) I love my camera and there is zero chance I’ll be changing anytime soon.
  2. I love the color yellow. It makes my heart explode.
  3. I try and clean eat, most of the time. It’s something I love and enjoy all the fresh fruits and veggies.
  4. I am strong in my faith. I believe God gave me my camera for a reason. I plan to make him proud.
  5. I am a coffee addict. Seriously, I am!!
  6. I have 4 girls, all under the age of 11. I secretly want another, and still working on my hubby…. 😉
  7. I am a worry wart. I worry way to much. It’s something I’ve struggled with for years.
  8. I love to take walks with my girls. We have so much fun when we do!
  9. I love shadows, light and grain…. SO MUCH that I see the image before even picking up my camera!
  10. My passion is family/children photography – real life moments.


I love the old feel it gives to the image, the timeless feel it gives….
I look forward to seeing your posts this week!

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