10 Facts With Facebook Guest Judge 4/25-5/1 | Twist & Shutter Photography


Hey there! I’m Cassandra, photographer over at Twist & Shutter Photography. I’m currently living on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, and am SO inspired by the beautiful rugged west coast. I’m a Canon girl, shooting with a Mark III, and the lenses that spend the most time on my camera are the Canon 35L and the Sigma 85 1.4. I can’t wait to be a guest judge over on Dear Photographer’s Facebook page this week! We’re going to have some fun.

Website. Facebook. Instagram.

10 Fun Facts about Me:

1. I didn’t drink coffee until my son was born. Now, life without coffee is unthinkable.

2. I have an obsession with hand-lettering/typography. I think it’s the same combination of precision and creativity that I love about photography!

4. Books are a big part of my life. My first job was in a library, and even now I work part-time at our local book shop. My to-read stack is a very scary size.

5. I strongly believe in community over competition when it comes to the photography industry. Do you see all these amazing photographers out there?! I want to meet them all!

6. The year that I saw the most growth in my photography, I shot every single day with my Canon t3i and Canon 50 1.8. That’s all! No fancy equipment needed to fall in love with light and shadows.

7. My fiance and I have been engaged for 5 years, and we just don’t have the focus to pull together a wedding. Maybe next year? Sorry family.

8. I bring my camera with me everywhere, and my son has been known to point out pretty light. (And then run in the other direction, because let’s be real. 5 year olds don’t stay still.)

9. I love the ocean, and feel pretty lucky to live where I can see it every day.

10. I have all the heart-eyes for Instagram.





2 thoughts on “10 Facts With Facebook Guest Judge 4/25-5/1 | Twist & Shutter Photography

  1. I love this! I am so close to becoming a coffee drinker myself! My two-year-old is killing me with these early mornings!

    1. Thanks Christina! Ugh mornings are the worst. Hope it gets easier (or at least more caffeinated!) – Cass

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