BE INSPIRED Session featuring Ashley Walker, Photographer

Is this personal work or client work?

What about this session was most memorable?
Ah, the most memorable part of this session was seeing the excitement on my daughter’s face when she realized ice cream was involved! She LOVES ice cream, y’all! LOVES. IT. This kind of treat is usually reserved for great-grandma visits, but because she’ll be turning 4 soon *cue ALL the tears* I thought it be okay to give in 🙂

Were there any hurdles?
Oh, of course there were hurdles!! Stella-Blue is my toughest subject. Always has been. She seems to harbor some sort of strong dislike for my camera…eh, ANY camera really. Combine that with an everlasting need to remain in motion and you’ve got yourself one extra-entertaining session.

Give us your best photographer/session advice.
Just go with it. My lively girl has taught me so much. Patience being the first and exceeding expectations coming in a strong second. Friends, I used to always go into sessions with a strong game plan…and I would always walk away with disappointment. Now I’m not saying I don’t have a game plan currently, but I mean, I had the MOST unrealistic predictions for my shoots. Every pose had to be exactly as I had seen it on, dare I say: Pinterest *currently cringing*. Every location had to be the most magnificent place on earth (or in South Louisiana, mainly. So I thought). And every family/client should just be flat out perfect and always looking my way. If none of these things lined up – the session, in my eyes, was a failure. Gees!! No wonder I wasn’t a fan of my own work – It wasn’t REAL. It took me a little while to see the problem with all of this, but when I did – ah! It hit me BIG. It hit me as I was standing out in a field with my family (who were none too happy to be in my company btw). Trying to *unsuccessfully* photograph my Baby Blue had taken its toll within a matter of minutes. I couldn’t look at the photos once we were finished – it was too much to deal with, but of course I did eventually take a glimpse. And oh my!! That craziness was one the best things that has happened to me! It brought me into a more authentic way of working. And it shoved my family into a more genuine way of living and interacting.

What gear was used to achieve these?
Canon EOS Mark II body + Canon EF 85mm 1.2 + Canon EF 35mm 1.4

About the photographer:

Ashley Walker is an artist, wife, & mama living along the bayous of South Louisiana. While specializing in documentary and lifestyle happenings, she also has some major love for senior girl photography!

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