Dear Photographer featuring 3 Sisters Photography


 20150630-_DSC3455_print_print (1).jpgspring of 2015 (one of my first paid shoots )



Dear Beginner Photographer Self,

I see you, spending late nights pouring over the work of photographers you admire thinking “I’ll NEVER be THIS good” Looking for ideas and tips on Pinterest, reading blog after blog, but so much about photography is about finding your own personal style. It will take a while and that’s OKAY. One of the best things about photography is that there is always room to improve, to evolve, to change. Challenge yourself and you’ll be surprised how fast you grow. Try new things and don’t be afraid to make a LOT of mistakes.
When you’re stuck in a rut remind yourself why you’re doing this. I LOVE photography. Its the first thing outside of my family that I’ve been truly passionate about as an adult.
I even kind of love spending late nights sitting in front of the computer editing (and re-editing) until I I’m excited about what I’v made.
know that there is plenty of room in this industry for newer, upcoming photographers, that everyone started somewhere and that if you love this as much as I think you do. Keep working, keep learning, keep shooting and there will be a place for you.

-Love, Me


About the photographer:

I was born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska and now live in Eugene, Oregon with my husband and 3 sweet little girls. I work as an x-ray technologist and am growing a small photography business. I am just finishing up my first 365 project and love capturing everyday life with my family.

Website. Instagram.

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