10 Facts with Facebook Guest Judge 11/21-11/27 | Rose:Life Photography


Hello there, I’m Lauren of Rose:Life Photography. I am an indefinite photographer in Wisconsin, who will capture whatever moves me including but not limited to nature, portraits, live music, conceptual fine art, or lifestyle documentary images of my little tribe.

Like a lot of others I started my photography journey very young but I became completely obsessed with the art around the age of 15. I worked in Sales and Labs at local camera stores starting at age 16 and ending when I became pregnant with my first baby in 2006. Investing a small inheritance from my late grandfather in 2010 towards a new camera and upgrading from a Nikon D70 purchased in 2005 to a Nikon D5000 I started shooting portraits as a way to pay for my photography (because we all know it’s not cheap!) Over the course of 5 years I made enough to reach my equipment goals and now my main bag now contains a Nikon D610, Tamron 24-70 f/2.8, Nikon 50mm f/1.4,  Nikon 35mm f/1.8 and Nikon S910 Speedlight.  (My two main bags are both custom creations from Porteen Gear that I adore!)

At the beginning of 2016, I decided to quit the portrait business game. I have done a few session with clients that I have been capturing yearly for the past 5 years because at this point they are like family and I can’t bring myself to give their beautiful faces over to someone else’s camera, but other than that I have spent the past year rediscovering what I really love about photography. I am thrilled to be the guest judge this week on Dear Photographer!


10 Fun Facts about Me

  1. I got married at the age of 20. My Dog, Lady, was my maid of honor! We celebrated 11 years in August and have created 3 super awesome small humans in that time.
  2. We are homeschooling our kids. In September, I bought a 4’x6’ Magnetic White Board that takes up our entire kitchen wall!
  3. When I become interested in something I become obsessive and attempt to obtain as much knowledge as I possibly can on the topic. Homeschooling and photography top that list as the things I have continued to fixate on for years.
  4. I DO NOT LIKE ANYTHING COFFEE!!! Not the smell or the taste! I do however LOVE tea and cannot start my day without at least one cup of English breakfast tea. I also collect teapots!
  5. Music! It is the only thing that maintains my sanity most days. I have music playing constantly! My Pandora shuffle is heavy on Blues and Bluegrass these days. I love live music. I am blessed to be surrounded by an amazing local music scene and try to get my introverted self out to support as much as I can.
  6. Pie! Give me all the Pie! If it is cherry pie I’m not sharing!
  7. I have a love of things with blue roses on them.
  8. We have a hedgehog his name is Steve.
  9. My daughter is a bookworm and we find it pretty cool that Laura Ingalls Wilders Grandmother is buried in the cemetery up the road in our little unincorporated town.
  10. After disbanding my portrait business I deleted my portfolio website and decided to start a blog which I have yet to really do anything with because I just can’t convince myself that anybody cares about what I would have to share. I’ve had a hard time coming up with 10 facts to share!



While attempting to come up with a theme for this Thanksgiving week words like “Tradition” and “Timeless” came to mind. But I feel like everything is changing.  My youngest, pictured above, is about to turn three in January. He is still usually running around in a diaper with his “paci” in his mouth. This image, from a trip to our local children’s museum this past week, is the first photograph that grabs me and makes me feel like the fact that he is no longer a baby is undeniable no matter how hard I try to avoid it. This trip he even asked to use the potty and stayed dry the entire day!  My oldest is heading into double digits in a few weeks and signs of transformation have already begun. She is already able to wear some of my clothes! I have spent the last year rearranging my priorities and changing habits. 2016 has been a year of change.

The world outside my door seems to be shifting just as quickly. It’s been a year filled with so many social advances and revelations. The reality of the violence and crime we as humans are capable of have hit closer to home. Two weeks ago those of us in America voted and whatever your opinion on the matter there is no negating the results of our election will equal change.

I have always found refuge and reassurance in music. The legendary Bob Dylan has been quoted as saying “There is nothing so stable as change”, he created a timeless tune with “The Times they are a Changing”. Change is inevitable we can choose to fear it or embrace it. I personally have grown to find comfort in change and tend to subconsciously stir things up when I feel life growing stagnant.

As I pondered my topic ideas more I realized that was it. I want to see your interpretations of “Timeless Changes”. Things that have remained forever changing throughout history.

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