Dear Photographer feature by Gina Yeo




Little child Gina with a film camera in your hand snapping away childhood moments of family, sisters and friends of vacations and moments you wanted to remember…know that with each click you are instilling a passion inside your soul that has not yet awoken to realize it’s potential. Know little Gina that one day you will let free that spark that is quietly burning deep within your soul.

Mother Gina. Motherhood has changed everything. Every. Single. Thing. Except for one. The joy instilled within your soul as a child, remember that? Remember how you felt when you created? Can you remember it?Can you feel it?Find it.Find it quickly.It’s still there.Don’t wait.Don’t ignore it.It wants out. Let it out. Let it out and watch it grow.Don’t be afraid. Embrace it.Watch it burst into a passion that fills you with an incredible sense of accomplishment and freedom. Photographer Gina. Remember to relish in the simply beauty of your life. Watch the moments. Cherish the moments. They go by fast.Way too fast.Breathe in nature and let it fill your heart. Don’t wait so long to embrace the sun and the mountains. Go there. Spend time there. You’ll find your passion within your everyday moments and within those powerful and beautiful mountains. Embrace that and run with it. But when you are running remember to follow your dreams with confidence. Do not compare. Never compare.Don’t look to others to help you find yourself. Look within and never try to be someone you are not.It won’t always be easy but keep going. Keep fighting. You are strong…you always have been. The path won’t always be clear. That’s okay. Follow your heart. You’ll find that your heart will lead you down your own path, the path that is the right one for you.You are unique and that is beautiful. Being you is good enough. Enjoy the journey, the journey of self-exploration. Enjoy it because you will find magic there. You’ll discover that you’ll embrace that magic like nothing you’ve every embraced before, except motherhood and your family. Be proud and hold your head high. You are a creative. You are a photographer.Share your knowledge with others. You’ll find so much joy in giving back in this way. You’ll discover a community of like-minded others.This community will wrap you up and support you in your journey. Your life will be full. You’ll be surrounded with warmth and tenderness from family and the bonds and laughter of friendship. Your heart will be happy and your life beautiful because you followed your dreams and your heart.



Gina Yeo is a natural light hobbyist photographer residing with her husband and
three children in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Gina is strongly drawn to capturing
simple everyday childhood moments.When Gina is not immersed in photography she is happiest out biking, hiking or skiing a mountain, camping or reading a good
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