The beginning
Dear Georgie right now, don’t lose your momentum. You have dusted off your camera in the last couple of years and have begun to hone a style that is uniquely yours. I know that you feel a bit lost at times because you are self taught and don’t have a creative arts background. Please don’t worry. You deeply wish to be a professional photographer in the future and you CAN! You have a great local support network and have made real and inspiring friendships through Instagram where this journey began. While it was easy at first to compare yourself to others, you have developed trust in your style. I really like that about you. You have learned not to put yourself up against professional photographers with years of experience. You have also been wise to connect with people who inspire you. Isn’t it amazing that professional photographers will like and comment positively on your work? The things that hold you back include a fear of failure and general anxiety about bringing more stress into the family home. Just take it slow. Be the mother you always dreamed of being, loving and present, but inspire your 4 young girls by pursing your new found passion. Back yourself, it is sure to bring you much joy and reward.
I’m Georgie. I married my high school sweetheart and together we have 4 girls, all under the age of 9. We are extremely fortunate to call the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia our home. Stepping out of the corporate world to raise my children led me to discover that I was craving a creative outlet. Less than 2 years ago, I dusted off my Canon DSLR, turned it to Manual mode and started shooting! As a hobbyist photographer, Instagram has been the perfect place for me to learn, connect and gain inspiration. I pride myself at being able to capture moments that are emotive, timeless and tell a story. I see myself taking on client work in the future, but until then my children keep me constantly inspired!
This is such a beautiful series…thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for reading