W E L C O M E   J A N E L !


I cannot even begin to share with you all how much I admire Janel. She encompasses creativity and kickassery (made up a word, yup) and so much kind heartedness. Her talents go beyond taking beautiful photographs. On a personal level, she is the type of woman you want in your corner. Encouraging and supportive, yet honest enough to tell you the truth even when it stings a little. I am proud to have hired her to lead the Dear Photographer Magazine team, and together we will make some rad stuff come alive in print. Take a minute to read her words, and check out her phenomenal photography portfolio.

-Adri De La Cruz


When I was approached to be Editor-in-Chief of Dear Photographer Magazine, I was incredibly excited. This is the opportunity to take an already established community of immensely talented photographers and put it in print. I am humbled to be in charge of organizing, designing and featuring such an extraordinary talent pool of artists. I feel unworthy to delve into all this art and provide a publication that teaches, provides insight and showcases tremendous artworks from some of the best photographers in the world. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t ready to dive in wholeheartedly.

The goal of this magazine will be to bring the artwork we see online in our Dear Photographer community – all these phenomenal images from around the world and bring them to the print world. This magazine will be more than just
a simple magazine. It will feature some of the most emotive, most creative, most vulnerable, most eye-catching images along with articles that will make your heart swoon. We will be partnering with advertisers to provide the readers with opportunities to learn about new products, services, and workshops in the photography field. And we will be interviewing some of the best photographers and learning what makes their souls sing.

This magazine will be fresh, modern, but most importantly soulful. It will be an art gallery in print. And I am thrilled to be here.                                                


W E B S I T E | I N S T A G R A M | F A C E B O O K  


P H O T O G R A P H Y  W O R K


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8 thoughts on “The secret is out! | WELCOME THE NEW EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF DEAR PHOTOGRAPHER MAGAZINE, janel peyton

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