Dear Photographer feature by Kerlyn Van Gelder

Kerlyn Van Gelder Photography 2015 (1).jpg



Dear Kerlyn,


You are continually cultivating raw moments of connection and love you are inspired by. It’s an amazing thing to live and feel life so intensely and emotionally. Continue to allow that to flow naturally in your life and in your art. Your dreams know no bounds! You have achieved goals, ones you didn’t even think were possible when you first started. You always find the road less travelled, even if it’s in your own backyard. Don’t lose that need to explore, to see new things, to create new memories with your loved ones.

Remember to pause. Take the moment in, let it fill you with inspiration, and create emotional, breathtaking, honest, intimate stories. You have become so inspired by your life and your wild little one! Kane gave you new eyes and don’t stop seeking the adventure in life like he does!

It took you some pretty annoying internal struggles to get to where you are, feeling happy with what you’ve created. Don’t forget that, and as time goes on and life gets a little busier, remember the little things that you appreciate so much. Don’t be afraid to put yourself and your honesty in your photos. Live your life more authentically than the day before.

Listen to whispers from your soul, the ones that tell you you’re enough and you’re needed. You’ll fall down and you’ll cry but remember the One who gives you strength. Thank Him for your incredible life and sow seeds into your relationship with Him. Kiss your guys and fill them with love for every day is a new day for adventure, to create art, and to seek all the things that make your heart move.

Love, yourself.

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I’m Kerlyn! I am an autism momma to my adventurous son, wife to my high school sweetheart, adventurous traveller, and intimate storytelling photographer! I believe in the authentic storytelling of visual art and showing the vulnerable moments we feel that are unable to put into words. I am a lover of last light, intimate connections, and spontaneous memories with the ones you love!

W E B S I T E | F A C E B O O K | I N S T A G R A M 


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