DEAR PHOTOGRAPHER | Feature by Laura Wood


Dear Past Laura,

You have no idea how much photography will come to mean to you. You have no idea how beautiful the world will feel when you learn to appreciate the beauty in the way the sun shines through windows you’ve forgotten to clean for weeks, that you will go for walks in your pajamas and wellies just to appreciate a sunrise. How it will feel to learn that being ‘overly sensitive’, a comment often used to critique your personality, will become your biggest strength in this journey and the key to your success – that you will feel a calmness in belonging to a group of people who are moved by the world in the same way as you are. You don’t know that motherhood will cause your heart to break and swell a thousand times and that this will become your reason for everything and the driving force behind all you do.

Dear Present Laura,

You are working a little too hard and are ready to focus on family for a while again – you are worried that you aren’t creating as much as you should be and fear that people will lose interest in your work when you take a step back for a little while. You have forgotten that having your first son was and continues to be, the inspiration behind everything you do and that welcoming a new baby will only breathe more love and life into everything you do. You will learn and grow again and create when you’re ready to and, as your priorities shift again, your work will become more honest and heartfelt than ever.

Dear Future Laura,

I hope you are taking time to seek out the art, places, and people who inspire you. I hope you have found a balance between family life and work and that your every day is as lovely as it is now. I hope you can see how far you’ve come and that you are proud of yourself. I hope that you still cry because you get it wrong sometimes and that you stay up late worrying occasionally – I hope you are still giving it your heart.



I live in Yorkshire, England with my boyfriend Paul and son Arthur – we are eagerly expecting another baby in December. I am a full-time photographer/ work at home Mum and specialize in family photography. I try to see the magic of the world through the eyes of my son and to recreate his world through my images. My photography journey started when my son was born but I began to take it more seriously in 2016 and set up my business that summer. I was recently included in the Voice Collection 2017 in the self-portrait category and have received recognition from Looks Like Film as Artist of the Month and an Artist of the Year in 2016.

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