All good things must come to an end | Words by Janel Peyton

Dear Photographer,
582 days.  That’s how many days I have had the honor of being your Editor-in-Chief.  582 days ago, I had no idea what this magazine would look like, what it would contain, what it would become.  
Over the course of 582 days, I designed a magazine that has spread across the world to over 40 countries.  In 582 days, I was able to review the work of over 32,000 individual artists.  I have judged over 85,000 images from those artists.  I have read incredible reviews on this magazine in multiple languages.  In 582 days, this magazine grew from just a dream to an expansive art gallery in print bringing inspiration to artists all over the globe.  
Never did I think I would have an opportunity to connect with this many artists and especially to display their work, but my hope is that I did it justice.  Many late nights, stressful decisions, tough choices, and conceptual changes went into the creation of this magazine and I have loved every second of it.  
However, after 582 days, my heart is pulling me another direction.  It’s hard to build something from the ground up, see it doing incredibly well and then walk away. This is not a decision that I came to lightly.  But the lesson I have learned is that things are only yours temporarily.  No matter how much time or energy you put into it, there will come a time to move onto something else that you are being called to and that’s ok. 
So this is my farewell as your Editor-in-Chief.  Don’t worry,  I will still be around and will be teaching at the Dear Photographer Elevate + Grow Workshop in September but my family and other projects are needing me right now.  
It has been a true honor and privilege to do this job.  And it’s one that I hold incredibly dear.  Thank you for having me, for putting up with my nagging to send in your submissions, for ordering copies and mostly for being an inspiration to me personally.  These last 582 days have been a true blessing to my artistic heart.
(And now you are probably wondering what happens to the magazine.  More information will be released about that soon.  So hang in there.)

With love and admiration to all of you, Janel Peyton

With that said. DP has a ton of love and support and we wish you the very best in your journey Janel. We know you do not do anything half way, and we cannot wait to see where this journey takes you. You are an inspiration and one of the most hardworking individuals. Good Luck friend.



2 thoughts on “All good things must come to an end | Words by Janel Peyton

  1. i would be happy if the page is continued. because there are a lot of photographers that you do not know here.
    greetings from hamburg germany robert

  2. Hope everything goes well with whatever you are doing next. I’ve enjoyed reading these posts.


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