Food for Thought Top Honor and Features | Chosen by Facebook Guest Judge Moments by Mancuso


Ok, so who gained about 5 pounds after looking at all the yummy “food for thought” images?  I know, I did!  Each and every submission was beautiful and there were so many different interpretations on the theme.  I appreciate the time and vision of every artist that submitted. The talent was super amazing and I could have picked many more for my favorites! Seriously, though! Thank you for your involvement and for sharing your art with everyone! I thoroughly enjoyed my time here at Dear Photographer! 

This first image gave me a good laugh!  This little one’s expression is so honest and real and with the smeared food all in his face, who could not smile at this?  I love how Ashley turned an ordinary moment into extraordinary by putting her own artistic touch into the edit! Well done, Ashely!   Ashley Shope Photography


This capture is just precious! I love the softness and tones of this image! Those tiny, chipped-polish fingernails gently holding the treat, mirrors the softness of the edit and it’s just beautiful! Even though the eating is the focus here, I love that those OOF eyes still make a bold statement!  Wonderful job, Mari!  Mari Sierra Photography


I really adore this image and appreciate the interpretation for the theme! The mood and the tones are just perfect!  The small details are my favorite part though-the focus on those dirty nails, the soft cup hands surrounded by nature, the implied position of the subject as if he were saying, “Look at the berries that I just picked!”  Awesome capture, Iva!  Iva Dahan Photography


I love looking at this next image!  It’s such a real and ordinary moment, which is what my heart loves!  However, the timing of the moment and the conversion take this ordinary moment and make it extraordinary!  If this little one handles life like he’s handling that sandwich, he’s going to conquer big things! Fantastic capture! Treelines Photography


This next image is such a sweet capture and is nicely executed.  The POV and close proximity to the boy allows me to be in the moment with him. I could just hear the knife slicing through those strawberries and quietly banging the chopping board after each cut.  His clenched hand and locked gaze tells us that he is focused and cautious.  Well done, Lisa!  Lisa J Photography 


This stunning image below was the first submission for the theme and I was wowed from the second I saw it!  It reminds me of a painting that could be displayed just about anywhere.  I love everything about it! The dirty fingernails, clenching hard to the apple.  The well planned crop of the eyes.  The mood and tones! Just amazing!  Congratulations, Sahsha! Rubylee Photography



10 Facts with Facebook Guest Judge 10/10-10/16 | Moments by Mancuso


Hey everyone, this is Tonya, from Moments by Mancuso.  I am a storytelling photographer from North Carolina. This month I am celebrating my 1 year anniversary since I started photography.  In my bag, I have a Sony A77II, 50m 1.8 and 70-200mm.  I am super excited to be the guest judge this week at Dear Photographer Facebook page!


10 Fun Facts About Me:

  1. I am married to a professional BMX bike rider.
  2. I don’t like cake or chocolate.
  3. It’s crazy scary how much my middle child is like me!
  4. It took until having my 3rd child but I am now a coffee drinker.
  5. I love FALL!!! Seriously though.
  6. Until moving to the south, I was an avid snowboarder.
  7. I wish I had used my 5 years of learning French because I forgot it all!
  8. I suck at the technology part of photography and wish I could hire someone to do that part for me.
  9. I am addicted to black and white images.
  10. I love Jesus!


Fall is here and the best part of this season is the activities and traditions that revolve around the food!  Pumpkin everything, apple, butternut squash, Thanksgiving-you get the drift.  Of course, there is room for creativity here and the theme is not restricted to fall food.  I can’t wait to see the yummy goodness you all come up with!